There is no doubt that the admiration or "Like" button is the most popular social networking site Facebook, where he has become an icon in the world of the Internet button, and while this tool expresses satisfaction and admiration for the content of what a lot of users, were still demanding the right opposite and is button "Dislike".
And with the increasing number of claimants to the social networking site Facebook Dislike Button was the inclusion on the first charge of the site that explains some of the things in this regard and it is exactly what he did Marc Zukirberg particularly effective in the beginning of this month.
Marc Zukirberg pointed out in his statement that the work of the Facebook team is seriously considering the issue of adding a new button right admiration Like similar but on the other hand denied that it comes right Dislike because officials believe that this button is useful, but in return, the developers of the site considering alternative Button for Dislike.
In addition, Mark pointed out that the admiration Like button alone is no longer enough because there are many publications, especially that reflect the sad events can not interact with them via the Like button and what is required to add a new button expresses the feelings of the user.