Apple 1 selling computer of the late Steve Jobs assemble a record amount

Although some electronic devices may be outdated, it is still of great value, and is exactly the case of the first computer produced by Apple, a model of the "Apple 1" and return to the privacy that has been collected from the party of the late Steve Jobs.

And is this computer from the early computers made by Apple, but it has been compiled from the late party Steve Jobs in a small garage at the home of his parents in the mid-seventies of the last century _ despite the fact that his partner and his colleague Steve Wozniak denied this Alroaah_ The Jobs sold immediately after that.

And were estimates have indicated that the final price of the Apple 1 computer will be between 400,000 and $ 600,000, but in the end the sale for $ 365,000 on behalf of an anonymous buyer, and without knowing whether the computer in case that allows members to engage in his or not.

And was the highest selling price by Apple Computer is the first Apple 1 to $ 905.000 in October last, and the computer is assembled companion Steve Jobs "Steve Wozniak."